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Moonchain LPWAN Protocol

Moonchain implements its own Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) Protocol, providing businesses with a decentralized solution for managing IoT devices and Data. Here's how it works:


Businesses can establish and operate their own LPWAN server on Moonchain without the need for a central administrator. This self-operated system ensures greater control and security over IoT data management processes.

Key Features

  • Decentralized Operation:
    • Businesses manage their own LPWAN server independently, eliminating the need for a central administrator.
  • Token Locking Requirement:
    • To participate in the LPWAN Protocol, entities must lock six million $MXC tokens. This locking mechanism is akin to staking in popular blockchain marketplaces like OpenSea, ensuring commitment and trust within the network.
  • Customizable Miner Participation:
    • Any brand of miner wishing to participate must run a customized version of the LPWAN Protocol. This promotes network diversity and enhances operational flexibility.
  • Service Fees:
    • Sensors or IoT devices utilizing the LPWAN Protocol are required to pay service fees to miners for data transmissions and validations services.
  • Security and Control:
    • By adopting this decentralized architecture, businesses retain control over their IoT data while adhering to high security and operational standards.
  • Cost-Effective Solution:
    • The LPWAN Protocol on Moonchain offers a cost-effective alternative for businesses looking to streamline IoT data management, reducing reliance on traditional centralized solutions.

Below is a illustrated overview of how the LPWAN infrastructure on Moonchain looks like.

LPWAN Infrastructure Visualized

This decentralized approach to LPWAN infrastructure empowers businesses with enhanced control, security, and efficiency in managing their IoT ecosystems on Moonchain.